5 Reasons Why Small Businesses Need a Copywriter

Image Credit: Clay Banks

There are lots of startup costs when launching your own business, from office supplies to storefronts to advertising. But there’s a crucial investment many small business owners don’t often consider making: hiring a competent copywriter. You see, a copywriter is a small business’ secret weapon. We help drive traffic to your website, drum up sales, and define your brand. Here are 5 reasons why a copywriter is someone no small business can do without.

1. Copywriters help attract and retain customers

According to a study commissioned by the popular internet domain registrar GoDaddy, 77% of small business owners surveyed consider attracting and retaining customers their biggest concern. Makes sense. After all, what’s a business without customers?

When used correctly, copy not only helps new customers find your business — it keeps them coming back. 

In fact, this is a core function of copy. Simply put, copy consists of words that convince a person to take some kind of action. And for businesses, that action is often buying a product. And another. And another. Until the end of time.

Copywriters are experts at crafting language that makes customers want to click that “purchase” button, because they take time to understand customers’ needs and motivations for buying.

So, does that mean good copy always translates to sales? No. There are many other factors that affect a customer’s purchase decision. But ensuring your copy is clean, engaging, and free of errors will help set you up for success.

2. Copywriters give your brand its identity

“Just Do It.”

What came to mind when you read those three words? I’m willing to bet my life savings it was Nike. 

“Just Do It” is a genius tagline thought up by the recently departed advertising giant, Dan Wieden. It instantly evokes feelings of competitiveness, athleticism, and personal improvement. In a split second, you begin to understand what the Nike brand stands for.

That’s a lot of mileage out of three little words.

And that’s the power of copywriters: They help bring your brand’s identity into focus with concise and memorable language that clues people into what your brand is all about. This language can be used across all your communication channels, including your website and social media accounts, to create a consistent marketing message.

3. Copywriters are multiple writers rolled into one

When you’re running your own business, you need to squeeze every last bit of value out of the vendor services you pay for — including copywriting services. 

Luckily, when you hire a copywriter, you’re getting a big bang for your buck. That’s because most copywriters don’t just do one type of writing. They can create different kinds of content that help achieve your goals in different ways:

  • Blogs (like the one you’re reading right now) help you rank higher in Google results by targeting keywords your customers are searching for.

  • Emails introduce new people to your business and nurture relationships with your existing customers by treating them to offers and deals.

  • Webpages and social posts establish your digital presence, showcase and promote your products and services, and increase your reach online. 

And that’s just the beginning. Copywriters can also help you create case studies, investor pitch decks, and other materials to help market and expand your business.

4. Copywriters put in a lot of time and practice

Could you handle your own copywriting if you really wanted to? The honest answer is yes. There are enough free resources and DIY guides online that can teach you the bare basics of copywriting. But that will only get you so far.

Think of it this way: If your bathroom faucet is leaking, you can probably learn how to fix it by looking it up on YouTube. But let’s say you’re designing a new bathroom from scratch. That’s a job you’d likely want a plumber or contractor to handle.

The same principle applies to copywriting: There are one-off “leaky faucet” tasks you might be able to do yourself, like writing a few Facebook status updates. And then there are more involved jobs, like writing an entire social media campaign for a product launch, that require the experience and big-picture thinking of a pro. 

Copywriters are skilled professionals who spend years honing their craft. We know what works and what doesn’t based on the countless projects we’ve worked on. Hiring a copywriter to fulfill your copy needs saves you the time and guesswork of trying to figure it out yourself.

5. Copywriters aren't just writers — we’re marketers too

As copywriters, our job isn’t just to fill in words like a game of Mad Libs. It’s to understand what your customers want and provide them with the right message to lead them to action.

If the goal is to convince people to take advantage of your Black Friday sale, it’s the copywriter’s responsibility to craft something that will grab their attention and get them to click — all while nailing your brand’s voice and vibe. 

When you hire an experienced copywriter, you’re getting someone who can not only help communicate your message but also mold it into one that will be the most effective at accomplishing the goals of your business.

As a small business owner, you’ve got a lot on your plate. So why not let a copywriter lighten the load by taking on the skillful and time-intensive chore of writing your website, marketing emails, blogs, and more? The only thing you’ve got to lose is the stress of staring at a blank Word document.

Chris Vespoli is the owner and sole employee of Chris Vespoli Creative, a New York-based company that offers one-on-one creative services to small businesses, consumer brands, agencies, and more. Got a project? Get a quote.