One person for all your content writing needs
Why hire multiple people to create blogs, email campaigns, or video scripts when you can just hire me, Chris Vespoli?
I’m a multi-talented content writer and marketer who’s been helping brands large and small tell their stories for over a decade. Now it’s time to tell yours.
What I Do
Content Marketing
Branded Content
Editorial Writing
Comedy & Entertainment
Who I Work With
What My Clients Say
Samples of My Work
“But why should I hire Chris when some other internet person will do it for less?”
— You (maybe)
Look, I won’t lie. Creating content is pretty easy these days, and there are lots of people (and artificial intelligences) out there who are willing to do it for you at cut-rate prices. You know what’s not so easy? Creating good content.
Good content is content that gets results: Blogs that keep readers engaged. Emails that turn sales leads into customers. Videos scripts that inform and inspire.
When you hire me, you get someone with more than 15 years of media industry experience. I personally produce work that’s on time, on brand, and on budget across an ocean of industries and consumer passion points.